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Dear Fourth Year Me

If you could time travel ten years into the future, where would you be, and what would you be doing? Would you be happy with where you are, or would you want to change something?

At some point or another, everyone has imagined where they want to be in the future. Nevertheless, in order to be where we want to be in the future, it is important to set out goals and establish a plan to accomplish these goals through smaller goals and baby steps. In this blog post I will be sharing some of my goals for the near future in college and how I plan on achieving them.

Growing Friendships

Friendships are important to me because I enjoy having people in my life and being in people's lives. I think it is wonderful to be able to share memories and experiences with friends and to grow alongside each other. In college, I hope to grow closer to friends by doing things together often. This includes getting meals together, doing things together, and talking and texting each other when we can. After everyone moves on with life and gets jobs after college, it will be harder to meet up with friends, so it is important to meet up with friends now when it is possible. Growing friendships is a lifetime goal, so I don't think I'll ever reach a point where I think this goal is fulfilled. Rather, I see building friendships as a rewarding process in which there are many moments that I think to myself, "wow, I'm really thankful to be friends with this person. It's such a blessing to have them in my life." And I hope that my friends see the same in me too.

Nathaniel is one of the friends I have met at UCLA. Check out his blog here!

Joining a Consulting Club

After college I would like to get a career in the business field, so in my time in college it is important for me to developing skills and gaining experiences that will help me in the future. One of the ways I can do this is by joining a consulting club in my time at UCLA. I want to join a consulting club because I enjoy problem solving, and consulting clubs deal with helping clients in their business affairs. In addition, consulting clubs work with a variety of different companies, so I will be able to learn about potential career routes as a member of a consulting organization. Lastly, consulting is one of the career paths that I am considering right now.

I plan to apply to consulting clubs during my sophomore year of college. If I don't get in during fall quarter, I will learn from the mistakes I made in the application process and apply again in winter or spring. In order to prepare for the application process, I plan on working through at least one or two consulting cases every week in the summer. I also plan on developing knowledge in the business and consulting fields by reading books in my free time. If I follow these steps, I feel like I will be prepared when Fall comes.

consultants work with different companies (photo:

Join a K-pop Dance Cover Team

Another goal I have for my time at UCLA is getting on a kpop dance cover team. In high school, I watched a TV show called "World of Dance" and thought that dancing was pretty cool. Then I got into kpop and my interest in dance grew. After I got in UCLA, I tried to learn more about the clubs there and saw that they had kpop dance cover teams. I really wanted to be able to join, but I knew at the time that that would not be likely because I never danced before. So when I came to UCLA, I joined Foundations Choreography, which is a club that allows people to learn dance. Now that I have some experience, my goal is to get on a kpop dance cover team some time in my sophomore year.

In order to prepare for the audition process, it is important that I improve in dance. To do that, I plan on learning at least one new choreography per week in the summer. I also plan on making time everyday to learn dance moves and techniques, which will allow me to pick up choreography faster. To keep myself accountable, I will record myself dancing and upload it on my finsta.

(Photo: Selina Pan)

In conclusion, I hope that accomplishing these goals, along with other goals I have for my time at college, will make fourth year me glad. I hope you too have goals and plans to achieve them for the future!

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Niels Dawson
Niels Dawson
May 26, 2020

You are wise to set your sights on building the relationships to those around you. I can also relate to the k-pop dancing as I find myself learning random k-pop dances all the time. Maybe I'll see you dance in the foundations show soon!


Sara Aoki
Sara Aoki
May 25, 2020

I really loved your blog. My favorite part was about joining a K-Pop Dance cover team - that's awesome! I think you have a very natural, casual writing style that left me wanting to read more.


Nathaniel Chen
Nathaniel Chen
May 22, 2020


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