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five ways to maintain perspective

There are many ups and downs in life. One moment can be happy, and the next can be sad. So many things are going on in the world, and our emotions can change with something as simple as a text or the weather. Amidst all of this, it is important to maintain perspective by striving to stay focused on our goals and not letting situations or emotions get the best of us. Here are five ways that help me maintain perspective as a UCLA honors student.

1. Reflection

Every once in a while, I like to reflect back on my day and think about things I did well and things I did not do well. This way, I can see what kind of improvements I have been making and what kind of things I need to work on. I find that reflection helps me keep track of my progress in growth and that it helps me evaluate my life from a more objective lens. Through reflection I am able to recognize small things I can improve on, and these small improvements can eventually turn into significant improvements.

2. Moving On

Even though it is good to reflect on past successes and failures, it is not good to get too caught up in the past and to not be moving forward as a result. It is good to celebrate the things that go well and it is okay to cry and be sad when something doesn't go well, but in the end we must move on and continue to chase after our dreams and goals.

3. Doing You

It's easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others and feeling unaccomplished as a result, which leads to thoughts like "Am I doing enough?" or "Why am I not excellent like them?". In moments like these, I think it is important to remember to "do you" and to focus on the path you are on. People make progress at different rates, and there are different paths that lead to the same place. More important than comparing yourself to others is making sure that you are always doing your best and making sure you are making the most of every opportunity you are given.

4. Observe

Although I don't believe that it is good to compare yourself with others, I do believe that it is good to learn things from observing the ways others live and act. Every person has their strengths and things that they do exceptionally well, and thus there is always something to be learned from someone. By observing others, you can grow in a variety of skills and also be exposed to different views of the world.

5. Relax

When you are really stressed out or not feeling well mentally, it is good to take a break if you can and do something that you enjoy. Maybe this means going out to play badminton, watching a movie, or hanging out with friends. Relaxing helps take away unnecessary tensions in your life and allows you to approach the next activity with your best attitude.

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2 commentaires

16 avr. 2020

Jonathan, this was very well written with clear and thought-out points. I liked how you separated your main points into a list, highlighting to the reader what they could focus on in their own life. It was nice how you tied in your own personal experiences with these helpful tips. Keep it up!


Gustavo Marin Gonzalez
Gustavo Marin Gonzalez
15 avr. 2020

Hey Jonathan, I liked that although your post was made to show how you maintain perspective as a UCLA honors student, it also serves as a general guide for anyone who may feel lost with their lives. I especially agree with your third and fifth points, because I also wrote something very similar to them. I also believe it is important for people to find time for themselves, and also just focus on their own paths instead of comparing themselves to others. I thought you did good job with your post, by the way!

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